Meet the Creator

Suzanne Gillis

My name is Suzanne. I’m 34 years old. I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing. My husband is a physician and works his tail off for our family every day. I have three kids- two boys and one red-headed girl sandwiched in the middle. Their ages are 9, 7, and 3. I have a sweet goldendoodle named Zuri. I love being around people. My love language is quality time. I’m a two on the enneagram, which is ”the helper.” People give me energy, and I often feel lonely if I haven’t seen other adult humans in a while. My mama always used to tell me, “Suzanne, the party has to end sometime.” Now, I say the exact same thing to my nine-year-old almost every day. As a mom, I struggle with feeling anxious, and it’s become harder to manage with each child. Writing, painting, gardening, yoga and counseling have blessed my life beyond words and have afforded me the tools to teach other mothers how to find the joy in motherhood.

In August of 2021 I wrote a children’s book called, “That’s My Mama!” I am so proud of how well it turned out and how many people have enjoyed it so far. It is currently available on Amazon. Click Here to purchase a copy.



Is A Joyful Roar like a support group?

Sort of! It’s a place for storytelling, commradere, positivity, and humor for moms. We can find most of our content on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

How did A Joyful Roar get started?

A Joyful Roar came about for many reasons. Me and my friend Addison were both looking for a new challenge and we both enjoyed being creative. Addison had a degree in theater and I have a degree in business marketing. We were both secretly wishing we could find a way to use our skill set and still feel like we were being true to our goals as mothers. We prayed a lot about the that, and this idea was born. We wanted to use whatever platform we developed to help other moms. Addison has since h away, but I am blessed to continue doing that daily.

What the main goal of A Joyful Roar?

I have so many creative goals for A Joyful Roar, it would take me all day to tell you about them. I have immediate plans for 2 more books. Being a writer is an extremely important part of who I am as a person, and A JOYFUL ROAR will always be the first place to get information about upcoming projects, books, and speaking engagements.

Another thing I am in the process of working on is my life coaching certification. This will just help me have a more definitive avenue for helping moms.

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